Celluloid's ambition is to offer a pedagogical tool for college students to university cycles. This will include fostering interactions between learners and teachers through the practice of collaborative annotation of videos.
This tool aims to teach students the collaborative construction of meaning through the practice of video annotation.
It will notably :
- Develop the observation and analysis of video contents (life stories, conferences, meetings).
- Facilitate an autonomous practice of learning.
- Facilitate the learn of argumentation via comment and video annotation.
- The purpose of this tool is to be available in open source and used by many institutions, educators, educational projects and communities.
This tool has been initially developed in open source by a French team of academics (Atelier du numérique – Institut Catholique de Paris) with whom we collaborate. We embodied our own Celluloid on the living archives platform. Since then, our first partner, Page Rwanda (Association des parents et amis des victimes du génocide contre les Tutsi du Rwanda) have tested this tool and found it very useful notably in the process of the intergenerational transmission of memory.